The National Coordinating Committee (NCC) provides governance for OrganicFarmNZ. The team for 2024/5 is:
- Chair:Peter Davis (South West North Island)
- Deputy Chair: Graham Leach Muller (Otago/Southland)
- Brendan Hoare (Upper North Island)
- t.b.c (Waikato)
- Jim Bennett (Bay of Plenty)
- Marion Thomson (Hawkes Bay/Gisborne and Wairarapa)
- Alvina Murphy (Canterbury/Nelson Bays)
Jaime Pepper is the National Administrator
Please email
External Representation
OFNZ is represented by the following members at a national level:
- OANZ Council: Marion Thomson and Brendan Hoare
- OANZ Standards Working Group: Brendan Hoare and Claire Bleakley
- MPI Organic Sector Advisory Council: Lisa Buchan
NOTE: Only the above named OFNZ members represent OFNZ.