Organic Principles

Organic Production and Processing is based on a number of principles and ideas. All are important and include:

  • To work compatibly with natural cycles and living systems through the soil, plants and animals in the entire production system.
  • To recognise the wider social and ecological impact of and within the organic production and processing system.
  • To maintain and increase long-term fertility and the healthy biological activity of soils using locally adapted cultural, biological and mechanical methods.
  • To maintain and encourage agricultural and natural biodiversity on the property and surrounds through the use of sustainable production systems and the protection of plant and wildlife habitats.
  • To maintain and conserve natural genetic diversity through attention to on-farm management of genetic resources.
  • To provide consumers with organic food that is free from all forms of genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, whether by accidental contamination or not.
  • To promote the sustainable use and conservation of water and all life therein.
  • To use, as far as possible, renewable resources in production and processing systems and avoid pollution and waste.
  • To foster local and regional production and distribution.
  • To minimise the use of non-renewable fossil fuels and promote alternative renewable energy sources.
  • To create a harmonious balance between crop production and animal husbandry.
  • To provide living conditions that allow animals to express the basic aspects of their innate behaviour.
  • To utilise re-useable, biodegradable, recyclable and recycled packaging materials.
  • To provide everyone involved in organic farming and processing with a quality of life that satisfies their basic needs, within a safe, secure and healthy working environment.
  • Enhance aesthetic, ecological and conservation values related to land and water.
  • Producers should aim to actively choose to support providers of environmentally friendly goods and services.
  • To support the establishment of an entire production, processing and distribution chain which is both socially just and ecologically responsible.
