Now Online by ZOOM
As an NCC we are disappointed not to be able to meet in person and spend valuable time with our growers and producers. Thanks to the team at Trinity Farm, Otaki, who generously offered to host and create a hospitable, social event, however sadly due to rising covid concerns the NCC has decided to keep everyone safe and make this an online only event.
AGM Theme “Where to From Here”
12 55 pm Link opens to join Zoom
1.0 pm Welcome /housekeeping and how to participate
1.15 pm Presentation by Tiffany – new CEO for OANZ. Your questions to OANZ on the future of Organics in NZ. Tiffany will also have the latest update from MPI.
1.40 pm Refresh Presentation – Brendan will present the findings of NCCs Refresh OFNZ project to date. Our survey and group interviews have given us an invaluable insight into our organization and potential ways forward and we look forward to sharing these with you
2.10 pm AGM- formal proceedings
2.50 pm Presentation – Red and Blue Ink – creating a relevant constitution in NZ – presenter Jenny Lux has governance experience across the wider green sector of NZ. This will be followed by a discussion.
3.20 pm Facilitated Open forum
3.45 pm Wrap up and thanks
4 pm Close
OFNZ National Coordinating Committee (NCC) encourage members to attend and to create local social events. Groups of members could gather in one or two homes with good internet access so you can all participate in the Q and A sessions. If you want to hire a local community facility to do this, please email to discuss cost reimbursement.
Pre-conference reports and presentations will be available in advance for download.
NCC reps will be together on Zoom from Wellington on the day with one joining via zoom from Cromwell.
Please go to to register and receive the link to the meeting.
NCC really value the attendance of all members.
Nga mihi mahana
Marion Thomson and Barbara – Co Chairs
If there are any motions, these need to be submitted on this form
If you wish to appoint a proxy, then use this form