Hawkes Bay

Regional Body

OrganicFarmNZ Hawke’s Bay was established in 2001 under the umbrella of the Biodynamic Organic Education Trust, now the Sustaining Hawke’s Bay Trust, which helped administer OFNZ Hawke’s Bay. OrganicFarmNZ Hawke’s Bay now runs independently from the Trust, as an OFNZ Regional Body under the umbrella of the national OrganicFarmNZ organisation.


The Hawke’s Bay region currently administers all applications from Western Hawke’s Bay to Gisborne  in the north , inclusive of the greater Hawke’s Bay which includes Dannevirke in the south.


Regional fees for producers joining a pod is $400

Fees for individuals producers joining is $450 + $50 for auditor travel contribution.


Primary Contact Marion Thomson cell 027 555 4014 or marion.thomson@live.com

Certification Manager:  Marion Thomson: marion.thomson@live.com

Certification  Committee: Marion Thomson, and a selection of members from other regional Certification Committees

Auditor: John Palmer john_palmer@xtra.conz

Treasurers: Aaron Duff and Al Rayner